
"... and all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by." - John Masefield (1878 - 1967)

Offshore New England Championships - August 2015

Cruising 1 - First Place Overall

"Goldeneye" - Peter Engel, Skipper

Marblehead NOOD Regatta - July 2012

fore to aft: John, Julie, Paul, Ping, Caroline (skipper)

J24 - "London Calling"

Photo: (c) 2007 P. Baumgartner

Winners of the Beal Trophy - Boston Harbor Islands Regatta 2007

Peter, Richard (skipper), Melanie, Ron, John, Bob

The Yacht: Charisma

Sted, Mike, Marcello, and John

Frostbite Racing 2007 - 2008

Photo courtesy of The Boston Sailing Center